Meaning of (प्रक्षोभ, प्रक्षोभण) prakshbhana in english
As noun : panic
trepidation bewilderment jitters embarrassment Ex:  For a matters worse, misery, embarrassment angst nervousness press Ex:  Rather than press his case and risk further division flutter perplexity mystification timorousness timidity timidness tizzy disturbance malaise uncomfortableness fear Ex:  Come with me as I fear his anger, you will be my backup skittishness restiveness out of place unease uneasiness
As adjective : uneasy
Suggested : the state of being embarrassed disconcertment abashment jitters, nervousness a feeling of fright or uneasiness (usually preceded by the ) bewildered state tremulous fear , alarm, or agitation perturbation a sudden overwhelming fear , with or without cause, that produces hysterical or irrational behavior, and that often spreads quickly through a group of persons or animals
Word of the day
(प्रक्षोभ, प्रक्षोभण) prakshbhana
can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 19 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :
prakShbha, prakShbhaNa